Important Truths and How to Reclaim Them

Jennie Helena
18 min readMar 21, 2022

Have you ever watched a baby wake up and stretch? They tighten up and then release the tension so that every muscle in their bodies has awoken. It’s a beautiful thing to watch. Waking up to hard truths and societies tough realities can be similar except the tightening up phase is longer and the release tension phase is often painfully slow, like a flower unfolding in slow motion.

When I use the phrase “wake up” or “awaken” I’m not speaking of being “woke.”

The bastardization of that word has sucked it’s meaning from it marrow and drained it of all life worthy of the term. Similar wrongs have been done to the phrase “social justice” and “reality based.” It’s as if the powers that be use linguistics to take away any terms that might best describe our condition.

Important truths are hard to process. Truth is often violent. It slaps your face and leaves your cheek stinging with pain. It tears at your gut. It insults your intellect by revealing your own ignorance and gullibility. The masses are much too busy with bread and circus pastimes to bother with them. Intellectuals think themselves harbingers of truth and much too intelligent to consider they might need to unlearn and relearn anything which alters their world view. However, waking up to hard truths is essential to the maintenance of a free world. As political science professor, Roger Patching, once observed;

“People would rather believe a lie than face uncomfortable truths.”

People hate truth tellers of all kinds because they reveal dirty secrets and areas where reform is needed. I’m not just talking about governments, it’s this way within corporations and within families as well.

People prefer to deal more with absolutes, than uncertainty. That’s why the Duopoly works so well and mainstream media is so effective. Everyone is certain “their side” is right and the “other side” is deluded. Which makes people easier to control. When I see an issue framed as partisan I know the ruling class is preparing to commit atrocities.

The body politic consume lies as truth so that they won’t have to experience the uncomfortable relentless pursuit of it. That requires constant questions and intense, honest inquiry. It requires skepticism, just like during the Age of Enlightenment. We need another similar age to encompass the globe and right many wrongs.

“The way to right wrongs is to shine the light of truth upon them.” — Ida B. Wells-Barnett

Social conditioning has created a lazy, self absorbed, libertine population unconcerned with things of governance because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking they cannot change them. Beyond this, those who do care are often too busy trying to survive to be very effective at fighting injustice. But the problems created by our criminal ruling class are not insurmountable. There are far more of us than them. Their greatest fear is that we will awaken to this core truth.

I’m still searching for answers and seeking hard truths. I do not have all of the answers. However, I have come to know some basic truths which lie at the core of my inquiry of all issues. I’ll also share an important guideline for reclaiming a truthful and just world.

Important truth #1: Deception is all around us

Most Americans suffer from ignorance. In fact, mass ignorance is a plague in the western world primarily due to mainstream media. The media has become an arm of corrupt governments who serve corporations, and that is fascist. In the 1970s Congress conducted the Church Committee hearings during which we learned of Operation Mockingbird. This CIA conducted operation used mass media to feed lies to the public. In this way they could control public opinion and sway it to serve their corporate friendly agendas. During the presidency of Barack Obama what was once a covert CIA operation was overtly legitimized. In 2013 it became legal for our government to propagandize its citizens through the National Defense Authoritarian Act. Just prior to leaving office Obama signed the 2017 NDAA. Tucked neatly inside this legislation was a provision that created an agency and funding for propaganda designed to sway American public opinion. It was justified using the Russiagate conspiracy theory, which was the epitome of fake news. See the reporting of Aaron Mate for more on that topic.

In schools they now teach that people should trust government controlled mainstream media and corporate sponsored fact checkers, the opposite of what students should be learning. They should be learning to sift and weigh evidence, to consider sources and to look at who benefits from actions taken by governments.

In societies where deception is pervasive, truth must be sought endlessly. Never be afraid to shift your opinions based upon new information that expands your understanding.

One of the most visionary thinkers of the 20th century was Thomas Merton. He died too young as visionaries throughout history seem to do. In his book Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander he observed:

“Propaganda makes up our mind for us. But in such a way as to leave us with a sense of pride and satisfaction, of men who have made up their own minds. And in the last analysis propaganda achieves this effect because we want it to. This is one of the few real pleasures left to modern man: this illusion that he is thinking for himself when, in fact; someone else is doing his thinking for him.”

Little did Merton know the propaganda he observed in 1963 would become so pervasive and sophisticated as to be legalized and government funded.

Another important aspect affecting the deception of society is censorship. As we speak websites are disappearing into the 404 cemetery. Julian Assange blew the whistle on this over a decade ago. I believe this has him in deeper trouble with the oligarchy than his exposure of war crimes.

Big Tech uses algorithms to censor by choosing what to downgrade and what to promote.

Dr. Robert Epstein is a forty year research psychologist with a PhD from Harvard. He is also a Hillary Clinton supporter. In his testimony before Congress he claimed Google poses a serious threat to Democracy. He stated:

“Some of my research has focused on Google. On the companies massive surveillance operation, censorship capabilities and unprecedented ability to manipulate the thinking of 2.5 billion people, soon to be four plus billion.”

He advised that in 2016 Google tipped the scales in Hillary Clinton’s direction, helping her secure the popular vote. In his words:

“In 2016 Google’s search algorithm likely impacted undecided voters in a way that shifted at least 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton, whom I supported. I know this because I preserved more than 13,000 election related searches prior to Election Day and Googles search results were significantly biased in favor of Secretary Clinton. These manipulations are invisible and non-competitive. They are controlled entirely by Big Tech and there is no way to counter act them.”

Deception is all around us. The Matrix was merely a hint.

The privatization of knowledge also threatens an accurate understanding of the world around us by limiting access to information to a certain population with the means to know. When I attended college I took for granted the digital databases and vast library collections available to me. I lacked the imagination to foresee what the privatization of databases would do to research and knowledge. As a college professor I have seen both digital and print collections diminish in size. It has been a modern day book burning. Aaron Swartz died while trying to shed light on the issue of copyright and access to knowledge. You could even say he was driven to his death by those who sought to silence his opposition.

In this climate of deception disinformation is a real problem but it’s not one to be feared. It’s one to be victorious over.

People who are afraid of “disinformation” are most likely the ones consuming it enmasse. This leads to next important truth; self deception.

Important truth #2: The biggest and most destructive lies we consume are the lies we tell ourselves.

People lie to themselves about being deceived because their ego gets in the way. No one wants to think they’ve been gullible enough to be fooled. So they allow cognitive dissonance to fool them into believing lies ad infinitum, about society, and about their own histories.

The human mind is an amazing thing. People lie to themselves to cover up their own weaknesses and bad behavior. Often these lies involve other people. Someone is typically scapegoated or demonized to help justify the lie.

It can be difficult to call ourselves out on these types of lies. As the offspring of self-deception defeating them requires self reflection. Some folks are too fragile, selfish or narcissistic to engage in honest self analysis, so they live with these lies until they die.

Be honest with yourself about your own history and mistakes. It’s worth the effort in self growth and can potentially change the world. Be willing to reflect, relearn and grow.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write. It will be those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Alvin Toeffler

Important truth #3: Your government is not your country.

Most people equate patriotism with blind loyalty to the powerful. But, what should patriotism look like in a country where people are supposed to be free?

In the kingdoms of old people were expected to blindly obey the king. Feudal societies were stratified with every class of people permanently assigned into the position of their birth. There were no opportunities for upward mobility. These people were not citizens, they were subjects.

The Great Chain of Being

If we allow society to return to this mentality we will lose our freedoms and they will be very hard to reclaim once lost.

I view the relationship between myself and my country as that of a parent to child.

Does a mother stop loving her child because of bad behavior? NO! As a mother, stepmother and a grandmother I can tell you there have been many times when I’ve had to scold my children to change their destructive behavior. You don’t let your toddler place their hand on the stove burner. You correct, you scold, you teach them to avoid things that can hurt them. A good parent teaches their child not to engage in self destructive behavior. They teach their child respect for the possessions of others. They teach them ethics and integrity. If you are a parent that does the job correctly, you guide their paths to adulthood making sure they do not stray from the ethics that make a good human being.

Yes, I do love my country, and I need for you to love her too. Love her like a good parent and an active citizen, not a subject.

Mark Twain once said of patriotism:

“There are two kinds of patriotism — monarchical patriotism and republican patriotism. In the one case the government and the king may rightfully furnish you their notions of patriotism; in the other, neither the government nor the entire nation is privileged to dictate to any individual what the form of his patriotism shall be. The gospel of the monarchical patriotism is: “The King can do no wrong.” We have adopted it with all its servility, with an unimportant change in the wording: “Our country, right or wrong!” We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had: — the individual’s right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.”

Your country is not your government. It is the land, the citizens and the constitution you are governed by. Thus, it is not treasonous to dissent against your government. In fact, it is your duty to do so when wrongful acts committed provoke such a response.

Important Truth #4: Western Democratic Republics are in Peril

“Truthful, accurate, factual information is the foundation of Democracy and is essential to the protection of human rights and freedoms. Where the truth is suppressed or distorted, corruption and injustice flourish.” — Julian Assange

Where deception replaces truthful, accurate and factual information we see democracy hanging by a thread.

The ruling class has perfected systems of controlling the unwashed masses. They have taken over governments through graft. Lobbyists are writing legislation. Agencies have been captured. Regulators do not regulate. Career congressmen live in mansions while their constituents live in tent lined streets. Banks are too big to fail and corporate socialism, also known as economic totalitarianism is the rule of the day. The sickening stench of fascism will hang heavy in your nostrils if you only have the courage to breathe deeply enough.

Universities no longer seek to enlighten, they indoctrinate. Corporate cash has ensured this degradation of knowledge by installing a highly paid administrative class to oversee the endeavor, allowing corporations to finance “research” and reducing professors to financial enslavement through low wages, lack of benefits and an almost impossible track to tenure for the small percentage of professors who are not adjuncts. And let’s not forget the students who are inducted into a lifetime of debt due to predatory student loans and high tuitions, which have increased by more than 2000% in the past half century.

When the ruling class controls the government, the media and academia they have given themselves a stacked deck by which they can win every game against the rest of us.

In the United States, our Constitution is suspended and our system of checks and balances has been entirely usurped. The Duopoly is a lie. We have two pro-corporate, pro-War parties.

I’m not making an anti-business or anti-capitalist statement here. There are types of regulated capitalism that can be effective societies to live under. But we haven’t had properly regulated capitalism in place for DECADES.

Our entire electoral process has been usurped. Countries in what we once called the “Third World,” have more honest elections than we do. According to a joint study conducted by Harvard and Sydney Universities the U.S. ranks forty eight on election integrity in the industrialized world. During the 2016 Democratic Primary I was a Bernie Sanders delegate at the stolen Nevada Convention. Rigged conventions were not the only issue encountered.

There was a sharp reduction in polling places which created long lines in many states. People were purged from voter rolls. People had their voting precincts changed at the last minute. They rigged the machines which was evident by exit polling. Which they stopped doing when people began tracking and reporting this through independent media. Reports of election fraud by local jurisdictions were disappeared into the 404 rabbit hole. Fortunately, I downloaded many videos prior to their deletion. In reality, Bernie Sanders won the 2016 Democratic Primary. As Wikileaks DNC Leaks revealed the DNC rigged the primary in Clinton’s favor from the start.

Even more distressing, one document revealed that Sanders signed an agreement on March 26, 2015 agreeing to refrain from certain criticisms of Clinton. Would a serious presidential candidate do this? I think not.

When Sander’s supporters, led by Jared and Elizabeth Beck sued the DNC for rigging the primary the U.S. court system failed them. The DNC lawyer argued in court that they have a right to chose the candidates in back room while smoking cigars. The judge agreed. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Meanwhile two of their main witnesses dropped dead at very young ages. Coincidence? I think not.

Those who seek justice will not get ahead in corrupt societies. When corruption is endemic the people who get ahead are those willing to capitulate to power as long as they are financially rewarded for doing so.

Systems to advance only the corrupt are in place in government agencies and within corporations. The ruling class chooses its minions based upon a person’s ability to follow orders and devotion to their own financial self interest because they know they can use this trait to the advantage of corrupt power. That’s why identity politics is meaningless except as a tool of division the ruling class sharpens whenever people start talking to each other too much. Elites learned long ago that greed enables them to buy every race and gender that exists.

In my personal experience I have found that honest hard work and ethical behavior is not rewarded anymore. When you do what is right it will inevitably reflect poorly upon others, intentionally or unintentionally. If you make others look bad and they have the power to destroy you, they will try their hardest to do so. A good public example of this is the way mainstream media has repeatedly spread disinformation about Julian Assange.

Important truth #5: There is no benevolence in the powerful

As is illustrated in example after example in this series of blog posts on public health, the U. S. government has engaged in actions that harm the American people DELIBERATELY on many occasions. They have poisoned the populace with impunity for decades. They only claim to care about the public good when doing so gives them cover for a more nefarious aspects of their agendas.

See the Tuskegee experiments. Cue up footage from Love Canal. Research the tens of thousands of patients sterilized against their will under eugenics. The People have failed the Revolutionary generation by capitulating to the powerful instead of policing them. A Democratic Republic cannot endure without an honest, active citizenry. We have not had that in decades, in part because deception is all around us. Also because of a complacent, apathetic population. But primarily due to what Catherine Austin Fitts calls The Great Poisoning:

“Something started in the 90s called the Great Poisoning. Where we literally started dramatically reducing the health of the population. We had GMOs introduced, we had spraying introduced, we had more pesticides and it goes on and on. We implemented a heavy schedule of vaccinations with indemnification to the pharmaceutical companies. And now we have 54% of the children in America have chronic disease, I have one pediatrician who insists it’s 70%, He says most kids can’t afford to get tested. So the 54% is unnaturally low because they can’t get tested. We have IQs falling in ways that are absolutely frightening. Nobody can function in a global competitive society with IQs falling like that. So you’re literally talking about what looks to be a long term depopulation poisoning. One of the things that contribute to this is addictions, like sugar, tobacco, liquor, drugs. But then literally, we have poisonings. The Covid19 injections have absolutely poisoned millions of people. I mean seriously poisoned. See Dr. Mark Skidmore’s latest survey.”

Having studied eugenics in the archives extensively I can attest to the accuracy of her statement. With the exception being that many aspects of this poisoning began sooner than the 90s, though it did accelerate rapidly from that time. What we see in society is depopulation on a massive scale. Depopulation is the phrase that eugenicists used to rename their movement after WWII because Hitler had tarnished the terms racial hygiene and eugenics. Anyone who has studied science has been exposed to eugenic teachings. They write it in the textbooks as “depopulation.” Who finances those textbooks? Oligarch eugenicists. Who finances the studies in the textbook that justify depopulation? Oligarch eugenicists.

Eugenics did not stop when Nazi Germany was defeated because we saved some of the most notorious Nazi war criminals and put them in key positions within the U.S. government. See Operation Paperclip for more on that. Additionally, the Third Reich was financially sponsored by American Oligarchs. Many books have been written on this topic. The best ones are from journalist turned Holocaust researcher, Edwin Black. His painstaking research has been harshly criticized by the academic community for being “polemic.” I, for one, found his tone refreshing. History is dry reading because historians themselves don’t seem to care. Besides, as a Jewish man descended from Holocaust survivors I believe he is entitled to his tone.

But, I digress. Where were we? Oh the benevolent powerful. I’m afraid that is an oxymoron. It doesn’t exist.

Important truth #6: True freedom comes through self sustaining lifestyles.

It turns out Thomas Jefferson’s agrarian vision of a nation of self sustaining farmers was insightful and could become a modern guide forward, sans slavery, which rightfully stained the reputation of most founding fathers. But we must not throw out the baby with the bath water. After all, Jefferson wrote most of our Declaration of Independence without much assistance. It still stands as one of the most important political documents ever penned. He was one of the most important political minds in history.

Most people rail against “the system” but they’re unwilling to change their own behavior to weaken it. We must reject their evil system by nurturing local relationships of barter and trade. By forming local cash economies we retain our own power and weaken those trying to destroy us. We must network within our communities. Meet your neighbors. Share a BBQ. Know and help each other. Local networks of resistance and survival are something they FEAR. We need to start doing the things they fear.

Boycott Amazon and Walmart. It may be hard, but not impossible. Use cash and keep purchases from being tracked. Disconnect from their system.

Start a local newspaper that includes news on the economy, food supply and local politics. Include a large section on barter and exchange. Include free obituaries, which corporate papers have abolished.

Start a directory of local alternative medicine practitioners. Create pharmacy alternatives (apothecaries.)

Stop updating your phone every time you’re prompted. Its unnecessary and only benefits our controllers.

Spend most of every day off line. Use this time to network, create, grow or nourish your physical and mental health in some way.

Find out which corporations own your area, town or city. Then find out where they reside. Are they absentee? If so, who is their local face and how are they controlling your area? Retake local control.

Encourage locally supported alternatives to current existing structures, like our school systems. Pull your kids out of government supported schools. They stopped teaching long ago. They are systems of indoctrination which are killing young minds.

Solutions no longer include policy constructed by criminals. What currently exists must be dismantled piece by corrupt piece. If you are a minion who is a cog in the elite wheel this is a scary, uncertain idea to you. You have your comfortable place in the power structure.

But if you are a freedom and liberty loving person you must support this or side with tyrants.

Compassion and humility is the key to unity. We must therefore be open to each other in our diversity of opinion and thought. Awaken one another to the truth of our corrupt societies and governments. We must chart an ethical path forward that embraces truth and transparency for public entities and the reassertion of our 4th Amendment right to privacy. Any path forward must be one that embraces truth, even hard ones.

Julian Assange, former editor of Wikileaks, now prisoner in Belmarsh prison, the U.K. equivalent of Guantanamo Bay stated these important words about the truth:

“You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion.”

It is with a sense of irony that I share his words now. His problems stem from having exposed the truth. He brought receipts. He proved the corruption of the powerful. For that he’s been subjected to over a decade of torture. He’s been smeared. He’s had every one of his rights trampled on. He is not a Russian tool. He is not a rapist. He is not a narcissist. He is not a cat torturer. He’s not a dirty feces smearer. He is none of the things you’ve been told by the Mainstream press. Assange is a visionary of courage.

In their insistence on silencing Assange the ruling class is making a martyr of him and immortalizing his words. They are self destructing in his incarceration, extradition and torture. Too many people know the truth; that his crime was telling the truth. He has been the biggest casualty of the war on truth, while the real war criminals he exposed walk free. This is the best example of our unjust societies. All citizens of the world should be ashamed at their inaction, especially the people of the U.S., U.K. and Australia. If you haven’t already please join the movement to save him.

Free Assange! Free the Truth! Free the world!!



Jennie Helena

Professor of American History, promoter of liberty and freedom, anti-war activist, poet, vocalist and song writer. My passion for truth pushes my pen to paper.